& other ramblings featured on today’s blog!
One thing that didn’t fit quite make it into yesterday’s post was a gift that I received from Taylor, one of my fellow sister squirrels. I have known Taylor since she was a student–back when I was a student–and then I was lucky enough to know her as she worked in the same office as me. She’s one of my favorite alumnae and I know that she will do a lot of great things. She moved for graduate school recently, but before she left she took the time to mail me a gift. We now have matching squirrel coffee cups.

Today was a day filled with working hard as we prepare to recruit the class of 2022, a year that seems so far off to me. It is nice to feel the love from a fellow alumna, as my work is never ending and my job isn’t easy or glamorous. It’s a lot of work, with little recognition in a good light, anyway. I’m happy to be where I am and I love what I do, but sometimes I feel as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders, as we have a big job ahead of us.
A job that I have faith I can do.
A job that reminds me of why I have made many decisions over the past few years. I want to better my Mary Baldwin community. I have not set out to change the world, but I have set out to change a few students’ worlds by introducing them to the magical place that I called home for four years.
Yesterday, I was reminded of why I’m here as I opened my coffee cup. Yesterday I was reminded of why I’m here when I sent one of my favorite baby squirrels a candid snapshot of her at the picnic yesterday. When she shared it to Facebook and emailed me back to tell me her mom loved it, I was happy. Seeing the smiling faces last night as we chowed down, bounced on bouncy houses, and the students danced (some of which I might have had to look away from because it was just too much–as typical!)… I know why I’m here. I’m on a mission.
Today, as I walked a new staff member around campus I was reminded of why I’m here. There I was, sharing my stories. My testimonies of what makes this place so damn awesome. My memories of the dining hall, mixers in the student activities center, and life in the dorms. My athletics experience. My love of my campus.
When I get away from the desk and walk someone around campus, I share with them why I’m there. What makes me tick. My stories. I watch my stories turn into moments where they can see themselves there, doing the same thing. Or something similar. Or I borrow someone else’s story if I’m in the science building and need to pull something out of my hat (shout out to one of my classmates who triple majored and was a two time All American in cross country… I talk about you a lot because you are the prime example). People understanding what makes this campus special is what keeps me going.
That and…
I’m on a mission.
Class of 2022 is on the forefront of my brain. This time next year, I’ll feel that the job has been done. Only to prepare to start all over again. Rinse, lather, & repeat is a theme in my world…