This is going to sound strange, but I hate ziplock bags.
I think they are fine for some things, don’t get me wrong. But for long term storage, ziplock bags are not for me. They are not esthetically pleasing. They are not durable if you are using it frequently.
So I set out in search of a solution and fell in love with these document bags on Amazon. For the price, you can’t beat it. They also come in different sizes. I’ve bought the multipack you see here. After I started purchasing these bad boys, I saw a professional organizer on Tik Tok who uses these bags for game storage. The smaller sizes are perfect for game pieces. Board games in their bulky boxes take up a lot of storage space, so this was a grand solution.

So, as you can tell, I have really put these bad boys to work in the library. Storing games, storing things that I had printed out and needed to cut and laminate like the adaptive books I have been working on, storing felt storyboard kits, etc. I really like having them for the adaptive books because I print out the stuff, then cut, then laminate, and then bind together. These bags keep everything together until it is all bound up.
I’m also considering splurging and ordering enough to put headphones in. Ziplock bags don’t last long with the headphones. Maybe I should buy one set and see how they hold up against kindergarteners. Enough said there!