Category: Photography
Playing with the Nifty-Fifty
I love Staunton. No matter what time of year, it always yields beautiful pictures. I had a coworker cooperate with me during my lunch break so I could test the 50mm lens. Snapped these photos downtown and on campus as well. It was one of those days where it was beautiful. I was quite happy…
Sundays in Staunton
I had a great time on Sunday. I took a leisurely walk and snapped some photos at the duck pond. From the weekend to now, things took a turn. I haven’t been a happy camper the past few days, so I’m going to cut this short. I wanted to share some photos, but don’t have…
Celtic Myths Shawl is DONE
This has been a project over two years in the making and boy am I happy to be done with this thing. The only thing I have on the needles now is a Gamekeeper Scarf, so I’m going to return back to knitting that and see if I can get through it. KnitCompanion, my favorite…
When the sky looks like this…
When the sky looks like this, you take some pictures. I woke up before 7:00am this Saturday morning. I have an appointment at 8:30 to get my oil changed. When I got up, I was annoyed that I couldn’t sleep a little longer because I was wide awake. Outside my bathroom window was a sky…
Beth’s Boys
Beth’s boys have always been my practice kids. I practiced babysitting, I practiced diapers, and I practiced photography last weekend. I usually shoot sports photos. Flowers, stills, but not people. People don’t cooperate. Some aren’t photogenic. Kids, well, they mostly don’t cooperate. I loved being able to hang out with the boys and torture them…
When your best friend is an unconventional model
I have been blessed with Ashley D., Ashley S., Vic, and Nichole as my four best friends. This weekend I spent almost every waking hour with Ashley S., my unconventional model. Ashley is soon headed back home to Nevada, where I will miss her greatly. She’s been my best friend in Staunton and kept me…