Yesterday I made cookies with the kids.
I had three recipes I was prepared to make. We made it through two of them. I managed to make oatmeal raisin cookies and chocolate chip. Oreo cheesecake cookies had to wait for another day.

Today is Thanksgiving. You might see a post from me later, if I make it out alive.

I’ve read some good books recently, including The Underground Railroad by Colson James. It was hard to get into in the beginning but his writing is very eloquent and the story really got me into the book. It was more than a book about the underground railroad being an actual railroad (fictionally speaking of course), but it had depth.
I also picked up a kids’ book about heading out west called The Quilt Walk. It was a good story for a children’s book and I found myself waiting to see what happened at several parts.

The book was the first book that I had read from our Kindle Unlimited subscription. I don’t think the selection of books on Kindle Unlimited is super great, but if you have a family sharing an Amazon account, especially with kids that are vericious readers… it might very well be worth it. The selection of kids books looks to be pretty awesome!