First blog post

As I'm sitting here writing the first one, I'm wondering what the hell I'm doing.  It's been along time since the thoughts of my brain has escaped semi-private spheres.  '

I've come to realize that now is an interesting time in my life.  I want to remember what I'm doing, the places I'm going, and have images to reflect back upon.  I want to take more pictures.  I want to have more fun.  Laugh more.  Live more.  I'm excited to jump back into the swing of things with blogging.

Many moons ago (as my dad would say), I blogged a lot.  I had a small following, particularly because I shared sports photos that I had taken at my college.  People checked my blog because they wanted to see if any images of them were posted.  I shared a few here and there, but most hit the athletics website.

I'm looking forward to sharing some of my adventures, my photography, my knitting, and my thoughts.  Maybe someone will read it, maybe not.