I have been asked for this tutorial a few times. It took me longer than I wanted to get it together because my first book fair was underway. I’m grateful to have that over and I’m glad to be on spring break. I hope to share a few educational posts this week as I know my brain will be unable to shut off over the spring break holiday.
This is the way that I export used and unused barcodes from Follett Destiny and print them from my Dymo Label Writer. I have embedded my YouTube tutorial below. I hope to post some more helpful videos on YouTube. I’m from the middle of nowhere, Virginia in case you are wondering where the thick Southern accent is coming from.
For the folks who prefer a written tutorial with screenshots, I am posting the screenshots below. They aren’t as in-depth as the video is since it is harder to show all of the options in a still photo, but they are an excellent starting point or something to refer to quickly. I have used Preview on my Mac to mark up the screenshots, so please refer to the text on the screenshots for additional information.