I can’t believe it, but we have finished our school year. Last Thursday was my last day with students and last Friday was my last teacher workday. I’ve been vacationing at my parents’
One of my goals for tomorrow is to start pulling year end statistics. I started the year so strong with newsletters and stuff, but I fell off that wagon as life got busier.
So far I’ve been working my way through my summer reading list. I made it to the public library on Tuesday and hauled out as many books as would fit in my bag. I’ve plowed through my stack of picture books, read several graphic novels, and a YA book, and a kids’ chapter book. I have another kids’ chapter book and then a YA book left before I will have read my way through the stack.
Hopefully I’ll get back in the library on Monday. I am sure I will finish these two over the weekend. These two are longer, so they might hold me until then. It’s been so long since I have been able to just read like this.
If you want to see what I’m reading this summer, I have a pretty solid list here on Goodreads. My goal is to read 100 books this summer, but if I keep going at this rate I’ll easily surpass that.
I’ve also gotten some good crafting done, most notably this embroidered onesie.

Here’s to more reads, crafting, and preparing myself for year 2!