I have recently fallen in love with Wakelet. You can find my profile here.
As a librarian, I have a lot of resources that need to be shared with my students and I wanted a quick way for them to be able to find things without needing to log in to a website. I have bookmarked Wakelet on all of the computer lab computers (my paraprofessional runs the computer lab) and I have posted a couple of Wakelet QR codes around the library.
When sending students to websites, I have made them go to Wakelet first so they can learn where I have put the resource on there in hopes that they can find it themselves later on. I plan to bookmark Wakelet on all of the students’ iPads next school year. It’s too much effort to do it now with the end of the school year looming (I can’t believe it!). I have been working with my students to use WorldBook Online and they are now able to scan the QR code, find the link under my research tools collection, and go. Even my second graders are able to find where they need to go on the Wakelet site.
I plan on using Wakelet for more collaboration features next year. The capabilities of Wakelet are amazing. I’m currently just using it as more of a collection of resources, but there are so many ways to get my students involved.
One of my goals for next year is to incorporate Flipgrid into all of my classes. I’m looking forward to being able to embed Flipgrid videos into Wakelet to really highlight the best of the best.
They’ve also included an integration with the Remind app, which I am very interested in investigating. One of my goals for next year is to best figure out how to use Class Dojo. I want to connect my parents so they can see the class feed. With 650ish students, I am a little concerned that I might get a flood of parent messages though… I’m trying to figure out the best way to communicate with parents.
I am looking forward to encouraging teachers to use Wakelet next school year. Many of our teachers are using portaportal pages, which just look so… outdated to me. If you need to collect a bunch of links for your students, this is the way to go. It is so visually appealing in comparison to what some of our educators are currently using.
I encourage you to checkout my Wakelet page. If you have any questions about Wakelet, please feel free to reach out to me (and follow me on Wakelet!). I’m looking forward to connecting with other educators who are using Wakelet.