knitCompanion NG is a powerful knitting app that can be found in the iOS and Android App Stores. As a Mac Head, so to say, I’m writing about the iOS version in this review.
When you open the app, you will find it looks radically different from the old version (now called Legacy kC). I have imported all of my old projects that I’m working on. There’s a few things on here that I’ve recently finished as well. I usually export things to Dropbox when it starts to look full to keep things tidy. See the photo caption below for descriptions about all of the buttons here.

Below is a shot of the current project. I have colored all over the lines of text, since I don’t want to violate copyright. I love the sliding row marker. The one tap marker that you get when you set up a piece is nice, but I just used Quick Start for this piece so that I could get to knitting. The sliding row marker is fabulous and I love the stitch marker (the blue line). Having it there helps me keep track visually of where I’m at on the row.
The counters at the bottom are helpful. I am on row 17, so sixteen rows are listed as having been completed. At the bottom of the page, you can see how many total repeats I have done of these 28 rows.
On the knitCompanion website you can find the helpful migration guide if you are moving over from Legacy kC, as well as information about the app and how to use it to its full potential. There is a learning curve, but I couldn’t imagine knitting any other way. It’s revolutionized my knitting and has saved me so much paper and ink in the process since I’m not constantly having to print out patterns.
If you knit, crochet, or do counted cross stitch I strongly recommend this program. It’s worth the minimal fee a year to unlock all the features.