Today was a day on the road again. I was happy to find myself back on the road, but I was quickly exhausted since I can’t seem to handle that long drive without doing something else between now and then. I should have more than a month without any work travel, so I’m excited about that.
Today’s journey took me to Black Mountain, North Carolina for the fourth time. I’m writing this hunkered down in a hotel with Last Chance U (a Netflix original documentary) blaring on my iPad. I’m currently in love with that show and plan on reviewing it when I finish.

I have had someone recently ask me what I use to shoot with. I am a big believer sometimes that the best camera is the one in your hand, but we all know that sometimes what’s in your hand is superior than another option. I recently got a Canon 80D to replace my six year old Canon Rebel t3. Then there are times where I have my iPhone 7 Plus in my hand, so that’s what we get.

Before I stopped in Black Mountain, I stopped in Old Fort, North Carolina for gas. The gas station was like a blast from the past. I certainly had never pumped gas at a pump like that. It was photo worthy, for sure.

Probably won’t see anything this interesting on the way back tomorrow.