Review: Earny, An App to Get You Money Back

A couple of months ago, a friend (Ashley S.) suggested I start using Earny.

Earny is an app that tracks your purchases on Amazon and in your email inbox (it looks for receipts).  Your credit card has price drop protection.  This service finds better deals and files the claim for you to get the difference back.  Of course, they take a small cut but they are literally getting me money back that I wouldn’t get myself… so I’m happy!

Screenshot from Earny on the web. The iPhone app is much cleaner and that’s where I usually check out what Earny has found for me. You can see I am getting a couple of dollars back on a few purchases in the screenshot.

I’m all about shopping and saving money.  So far I have earned $42.93 back… crazy.  Here’s an example of a couple of the bigger ticket items I got money back on.

Not pictured… the second memory card I got $10 back on as well!

If you are interested in testing this for yourself, here is my personal link.  

We each get some money if you sign up, so there’s that gain.  But the proof is in the pudding–it works and I’m happy to be using a service that’s helping me get back money with no work on my part.