The smell of summer is lingering in the air. I can’t believe it is nearly time for summer. The year has flown by so fast. We have been insanely busy at school with getting ready for the end of the year and I know it is only going to get busier. I’ve been trying to stop and smell the roses, but I haven’t done so well at that lately. Life has just kept me on the go, but in a lot of ways that is the best thing because it doesn’t give me time to dwell.
One of the downsides of being in testing mode is that I have so much time to think. I’m one of those people who generally prefers not to have idle time because my brain kicks into overdrive and all I can think about is the many, many things I should be doing or things that I have going on. I’m going to drive myself a little crazy with all that is going on and all the time I have to think.
I’ve been so grateful lately. While there’s always people in life that pluck my nerves, I really am surrounded by so many good people. Our technology lady was able to set up two iPads for me today for two new English language learner students. With essentially no English, having an iPad is essential because they can work in apps to help them learn English while their classmates are doing other assignments in English. One of the kids is older and can read in Spanish, so this provides him with access to books in Spanish. This is so helpful because I’m sure it is relaxing to read something in your native language. Something that doesn’t require as much thought as having to plow through English lessons all day.
I’m also so appreciative of our students. There are so many kids who are willing to help me. My Spanish is poor at best (oh how I wish I would have had more opportunities to use it over the years… if you don’t use it, you lose it) and the other Spanish speaking kids are willing to jump in and help me talk to some of my students who don’t have the language skills for me to get complex ideas across.
Anyway, enough about school. I want to share some quick snaps of life. In a lot of ways this has served as a journal for me over the years and it is nice to be able to look back at what I have been up to and what I have been doing. I have always been one to enjoy what I have written in the past. It’s crazy to see how my writing has evolved over time. I’m still no expert, but I’m able to put my English degree to use every once in a while.
Flowers from my walk. This flower is growing in my front yard. I can’t believe that I took this photo with my iPhone. The trail was closed, so that’s what forced me to end my walk. Groundhog friend. I scared the groundhog into his hole and he actually turned around and looked at me. I’m slightly obsessed with the neighborhood cat. I hauled my Cricut to work to help me get the library organized. Needless to say, I had to make our technology guy a decal for his iPad. I think it looks so good.