Last night was ROUGH. I went to bed around 11:30. My friend Victoria had spent the weekend with me. She had arrived Saturday morning after working a night shift. She was tired, so she had passed out early. When I woke up wide awake around 2AM, she woke up too and we both were ready to go. Which meant for a LONG day.
Around 4AM, we decided to clip the guinea pigs’ toenails. They had a lot of fun watching Netflix while I cleaned the cage at 4AM.

I had to travel for work, so I had a nearly 2 hour drive. Of course, I hadn’t felt tired since I had gone to bed the night before until I got situated in the car… then I was ready to pass out. Once I got to the hotel, I wanted a nap but I have refused myself one since I want to sleep tonight.
I did manage to check out the telephone booth in front of the hotel though. Pretty cool (or scary depending on what you are thinking)!
I’m off to get a shower before I head to bed, so I’ll see what tomorrow brings!