I don’t think they call it the Dollar Spot anymore. Maybe it is Bullseye Playground or something of the sorts.
I do not condone going into a store unnecessarily, but if you have another reason to go to Target I recommend checking for these. My friend needed some things that can’t be found locally, so we went into Target and I dove into the Dollar Spot area.
Boy, did I hit gold. I managed to get my hands on all of the felt things in the story. Games, maps, items to go on my felt board for story time props… I racked up.
One of the things that our first grade standards covers is maps. I was glad to snap this map, as well as a few others. And for around $5, you can’t beat that!

I am looking forward to using these with students next year. I’m trying hard not to worry about when we’ll get back to school. The struggle. Our summer has officially begun, but instead everyone is spending Memorial Day holed up in their house… the weather has been deplorable and the germs are keeping everyone inside.
I wish I would have been better about keeping a journal during this all. It has really been wild to see what has happened during this time. Between the rains, the coronavirus, killer wasps, school closures, announcements from the governor and the president… If you have kids, have them writing. This is going to be history.