I have been listening to a lot of country music lately and this is a line from Cody Jinks’ sound “Loud and Heavy”. It was one of those lines in a song that makes you stop and think. I have spent so much time pondering this because I honestly believe that it is one of the most real and raw
I will go to my grave maintaining the thought that the best new country music is not what you hear on the radio. I’m not a diehard “pop country sucks” kinda girl, but the best stuff isn’t what’s being taken by storm in
Another favorite is Wheeler Walker Jr., but you definitely won’t hear him on the radio. It’s interesting that rap music can be just as explicit as Wheeler Walker Jr.’s songs, but you’ll never hear any of ole Wheeler’s songs on country stations. They’d have to do a lot of censoring, that’s for sure.
My taste in music has always been eclectic. I like my new stuff, but I also ride around listening to the same songs I was listening to ten plus years ago. I can easily go from outlaw country to Post Malone.
I have rambled enough about my musical tastes and about the state of country music. Back to the line from the song.
The things that bring you so much joy can be over in a minute and cause so much pain. There’s certainly a thin line. Lately
Here’s to straddling the line because sometimes the rewards outweigh the negatives.