I’m on the road again.
Only for a day, however. I won’t be long away from my home. I miss my guinea pig and my bed already.
Before I left, I got a lot of crafting done. Here’s a roundup, in no particular order:

I’m still working my way through my Christmas presents list. I’m hoping to get enough done, but there’s never enough time. I could start in August and still wouldn’t find myself with enough time.
Grad school has been going well. Can’t believe I’ll finish in May. It’s crazy to think about. I’m looking forward to finishing this degree and seeing where life takes me. I imagine I’ll stay at Baldwin for a good while, because I want to see my work done. I want to leave things in good shape, if that makes sense. Mom thinks I should volunteer at the library in Staunton if I don’t get a library job immediately to gain experience. I’m strongly considering it. I just think it would be fun and it would be a good experience for me.
There’s not much left to say. My life basically consists of work, school, and crafting. But I’m happier than I’ve been in a while. Which should count for something, right?